Monday, 5 August 2013

Canada-the land of my dreams

I came to Canada because of my family is here, that's the only one reason why I decide to settle down here at the beginning. But after half a year I like it better in Canada than in China. Because the society is friendly and safe, another the most important for me is the bond between humans and dogs.

Canada has lots of great resources but not too many people. Here the air is fresh, water is clean and I can even drink directly from the tap. I don't need to worry that I'll fall sick. People here are friendly and civil. All they would say “How are you” when you meet someone, even though you two didn't know each other. When they are driving they always comply with the rules strictly and let the pedestrians go first. That’s completely the opposite of how it is in China.

Secondly, I love dogs, I'd like to treat them as my family members and my good friends. I'm glad to see that the people here also do that Dogs are treated, loved and cared for much like any family member in households. They improve the feeling of safety, both in the home and in public places. They are just as an important and vital part of our society and our everyday life. But in China, mostly dogs are unlucky. They are abandoned, inhumanly caged, beaten, tortured, killed and eaten. That’s the another main reason why I chose to live in Canada.

I know it would be hard for me to start over here. But I believe I'll love to live here more and more and enjoy my life.

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